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Employee Spotlight: Autumn Crider

Crider loan officer headshot

Employee Spotlights

Job Title: Senior Loan Officer
Location: Warrenton Branch
Tenure: 19 years
Briefly describe your involvement in agriculture. My husband and I raise beef cattle, both commercial and registered stock, as well as crops.

family photo with horse and corgi

Are you involved in any other clubs or organizations? I am a board member for the Fauquier County Fair. 
What's your favorite family recipe? My favorite family recipe is my grandmother’s iced sugar cookie recipe.
Where did you grow up? I grew up in Fauquier County, Virginia.

Corgi cattle dog

Pick your favorite decade and tell us why. My favorite decade was the 1990s; it was a simpler time.
What is your favorite quote from a movie? “There's no chance to think, to prepare. It’s buy futures, sell futures, when there is no future." –The Devil’s Advocate
What is your favorite season? My favorite season is fall.
Briefly describe your involvement in 4-H. I was an active 4-H member and 4-H All Star in my youth, showing horses and livestock. I still work with our local 4-H members in an advisory role for livestock projects.

livestock show North Carolina state fair

What is your dream vacation destination? I would love to go to Ireland. 
What is your favorite place you've ever visited? My favorite place I’ve ever visited is the Dominican Republic. 
What was your dream job as a child? When I was a child, I wanted to be a veterinarian. 

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