Employee Spotlight: Trey Keyser

Employee Spotlights
Job Title: Senior Loan Officer
Location: Moorefield Branch/Romney Branch
Tenure: 19 years
Briefly describe your involvement in FFA. I started out as an FFA member in the eighth grade. I was fortunate enough to serve in numerous officer roles on the chapter, federation and state levels over those years, including Federation President for 2 years and VA State Secretary in 1997-1998. I competed in nearly every Career Development Event (CDE) available. I served on the National Officer Nominating Committee and attended several National FFA Conventions. I have received my American FFA degree, along with 3 Honorary Chapter Degrees and the WV State Honorary Degree. To say the organization has helped mold me into who I am today would be an understatement! I'm still involved with the organization on many levels, including serving as a judge for Public Speaking CDEs and coaching several judging teams.
Briefly describe your involvement in 4-H. I began my 4-H career as a Cloverbud, showing my first lamb at the Page County Fair in Virginia that my Dad let me choose from the family flock. I was an active member of the Jr. and Sr. Stockmen Club and served in many leadership roles. I attended the National 4-H Congress and am honored to be a Virginia 4-H All Star. 4-H is near and dear to my heart. I remain involved as a volunteer and work with 4-H youth on their livestock projects and coach some judging teams.
Briefly describe your involvement in agriculture. My family and I background stocker cattle on both my home place in Stanley, VA, and my wife's family farm in Upper Tract, WV. In addition to the cattle, we have a flock of sheep, and raise and show club lambs.
Tell us about your family. I am married to my college sweetheart, Kami, and we have two daughters, Katie (12) and Kallie (10). We enjoy farm life and showing lambs at all levels together. Kami is the full-time sheep farm manager and the rock in the family that holds us all together and keeps us on task! Aside from showing lambs over half of the weekends in the year, the girls enjoy playing basketball and volleyball, and we all enjoy hunting and fishing.
List and describe any other clubs or organizations that you are actively involved in. I serve as the Treasurer for our church, Mount Hope Lutheran. I serve on the WV Beef Industry Council, the WV Shepherds Federation Board and I'm the Chairman of the Tri-County Fair Youth Livestock Sale Committee. I'm a member of the WV Cattlemen's Association, the WV Farm Bureau and the National Cattlemen's Beef Association.
Where did you grow up? I grew up as the 7th generation on my family’s cow/calf, sheep, commercial broiler, hay and row crop farm in Stanley, VA.
What is your favorite song or artist? I am a fan of most country music but particularly tunes from the 1980's to early 2000's. I have two favorite songs, “The River” by Garth Brooks and “Life's a Dance” by John Michael Montgomery. Both songs resonate with me and provide inspiration. As far as a musician with whom I can sing along to nearly all of their songs, it would have to be George Strait.
What was your dream job as a child? My Dad was a forest warden and I got involved with the Keep Virginia Green forest fighting crew when I was 16. Throughout my high school and college years, I had the opportunity to fight wild fires on local and state Hotshot crews all over the country. I logged 19 southern and western fire details. My dream job was to be a smoke jumper, but priorities changed after college.
What is your favorite food? My favorite food would have to be a grain-finished ribeye steak, cooked medium rare.
What's at the top of your bucket list? I've always had a wild hair to sky dive!
What are your favorite weekend activities? My favorite weekend activity is Kami and I taking the kids to sheep shows and watching them grow with responsibilities and their talents. Whether they win or get buried in the ring, when they show the drive and positive attitude, it makes all the money, miles, time, sweat and tears worth it!
What is the most interesting or favorite aspect of your job? Agriculture has always been a passion of mine and my job has kept me involved in production agriculture and allowed me to continue to farm. My favorite part of the job is working with producers to improve their operations and serve as a trusted resource to them.