Employee Spotlight: Josh Back

Employee Spotlights
Job Title: Loan Officer
Location: Harrisonburg Branch
Tenure: 9 years
Briefly describe your involvement in 4-H. I participated in 4-H for ten years in my youth, showing livestock and competing in livestock judging as well as Stockman’s competitions.
Briefly describe your involvement in FFA. I was an FFA member for six years and competed in livestock judging.
Briefly describe your involvement in agriculture. Growing up, I helped my uncle on his cow/calf operation, which is where I first developed a passion for agriculture. Today, I own a small herd of beef cattle, alongside my wife and our children.
Where did you grow up? I grew up in Swoope, VA.
What is your favorite movie? My favorite movie is Tombstone.
What is your favorite season? Fall is my favorite season.
What are your hobbies? I enjoy spending time with my family, fishing and traveling.
What is your favorite place you have visited? My favorite place I’ve ever visited is the Great Barrier Reef in Australia.
What was your dream job as a child? My dream job as a child was to be a farmer.
What is your favorite aspect of your job? I really enjoy working with farmers. I have always thought if I could not farm full-time, the next best thing is to work with farmers.